Best Software Design Program For Mac

GIMP stands for GNU Image Manipulation Program and it is an open-source free graphics design software that debuted on Linux and other UNIX-based platforms. Today versions of the software are available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Place your vote on the list of Best Graphic Design Software Programs. Best Graphic Design Software Programs. Oldphatone The Top Ten. Best of the best Graphic app for both Mac and windows; Love it! V 23 Comments. 3 CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 - Really love coreldraw graphic design, will love to learn more.

  1. Graphic Design Program For Mac
  2. Best Design Software App For Mac
  3. Best Mac Website Design Software

Recommended Graphic Design Software

Affinity Designer

Affinity Designer is frequently cited as a high-quality graphic design tool, and one of its advantages is the inclusion of both raster and vector art creation tools. As a result, it also supports a wide variety of file types, and it has a real-time preview mode, lots of layer controls, and is Force Touch-aware for Mac users. The program is aggressively priced at $50, and you can try it for free, of course.


With compelling choices available for free or at low cost, you might wonder why someone would shell out hundreds of dollars for products from Corel or Adobe. Sheer familiarity has a lot to do with it. It takes a while to learn the ins-and-outs of a graphic design app at the professional level and moving to a new app can take time. And because Illustrator and CorelDRAW have been around for so long, there's a huge library of tutorials available online to get you up to speed, and a large number of people who can help you if you encounter a problem (although Inkscape has been around since 2003, so it's no slouch in the community department at this point).

Graphic Design Program For Mac

You also know that an image created in Illustrator or CorelDRAW will look the same in your app as it does in a copy of Illustrator or CorelDRAW installed on another device. You don't have to worry about compatibility errors or confusion when a file doesn't look the same across different devices.


Vectr has an accessible interface and emphasizes real-time collaboration. You can upload your image to Vectr's cloud storage and send other people a link to view it and edit it themselves.


Many artists actually prefer Inkscape over Illustrator. The former has full support for CMYK color (used in print publications), text kerning and spacing, real-time shape manipulation with either an input devices or by entering exact numbers, grouping objects to create temporary layers, and support for Adobe file formats.


Raster graphics are the standard digital medium for hand drawing/painting 2D art that doesn't need to scale. These are the JPGs and PNGs of the world, whereas vector art is usually an SVG (scalable vector graphics file). In the raster medium, you can actually use the same tools that you do for editing images, like Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, Paint.NET, or even the built-in Paint app in Microsoft Windows.

Of these, GIMP is both free and a credible competitor to Adobe Photoshop. GIMP uses largely different menu navigation and keyboard shortcuts, so it can take some time for Photoshop users to transition to, but persistent seekers can save a lot of money once they get the hang of it.

Why use Mac home design software?

Mac home design software has all the tools you need to put your dream home down on paper, whether you want to build a brand-new house or renovate your existing one. This type of software can help you make detailed digital models of major landscaping projects and home remodels, and it lets you see how different wall coverings and upholstery look in new settings. You can arrange and rearrange furniture in your digital plan without breaking a sweat physically by moving the items around your home – just click and drag each piece to a new location to get a feel for what looks best.

The best home design software for Mac computers has a wealth of features, design tools, and customizable objects and materials to help you create your 3D floor model.

Best home design software overall

Home designer architectural

A great interior design software for beginners and veterans

Simple design
Virtual camera has a learning curve

Home Designer Architectural is a good program for beginner and veteran designers alike. Arguably the best feature for both groups is the Plan Assistant tool. It provides thousands of preprogrammed floor plans as a jumping-off point for your home design. It also contains a library of customizable house plans, another great way to get started. You also have the option to start a design from scratch or import scanned floor plans into the application.

Best Design Software App For Mac

The automatic roofing tool makes easy work of choosing the roof style for your design. The program automatically calculates and displays all your dimensions while your design is in progress. The program also calculates the materials needed to construct your design and gives you an estimate of the cost.

Walls, roofs and floor plans are just the beginning when designing a home. You can use this program’s pre-programmed library of 8,000 objects to populate your home design with everything from doors, windows and cabinets to furniture, appliances, fixtures and more. If you want something in your dream home, there’s a high likelihood this application has it.

Read the full review here: Home Designer Architectural

Best home and interior software for value

Home designer suite

A home designer software that offers a great value for price and content

Free hand drawing tool

If you want to design your fantasy home but don’t have a lot of cash, you can pick up this program for less than $100. It’s a great deal considering other programs we reviewed can cost twice that. There are programs that cost as little as $15, but there’s not much to them. This program is both affordable and gives you the tools to make an effective design.

Home Designer Suite comes with much of what’s included in Home Designer Architectural, such as a wide-ranging library of home objects. It’s not as comprehensive, but with 6,500 objects to choose from, you should be able to find what you’re looking for. You also get the cost estimator, so you’ll have a good idea how much it would cost to build your design.

Best Software Design Program For Mac

One of the most useful tools in this home design software for Mac is the virtual walk-through. This allows you to plot a path through your home, and the computer will show you, in 3D, what your design will look like. This is a great way to see exactly what you can expect and provides a better idea where you can make improvements.

Read the full review here: Home Designer Suite

Best home design software for beginners

Punch home design studio complete

A great interior design software for beginners

Excellent landscape templates
Simple for beginners
Great customer service

Although the two previously mentioned products are simple to use and learn, Punch Home Design Studio Complete scored the highest in our ease-of-use tests. So, if you’re a greenhorn, this is a great program to start with. You can begin your design by choosing one of the sample room templates, complete with appliances and furniture, then customize it until it’s exactly what you want.

You can choose to start from scratch with the QuickStart tool, which allows you to drag and drop rooms and snap them together. This saves a lot of time and effort, because you don’t have to design the whole house at once. And it lets you shift your rooms around the house with ease until you figure out the layout that works best.

Punch Home Design Studio Complete comes with a library of 5,000 objects, including appliances and furniture, but far fewer choices than the best programs we reviewed. However, this program has more than 5,000 plants to place in your design. Other high-ranking products offer just 1,500 plant options. You can build custom fireplaces, cabinets, windows and doors. And the tools are all quite intuitive and easy-to-use.

Read the full review here: Punch Home Design Studio Complete

Interior design software: Mac vs Windows

Best Mac Website Design Software

These home and interior design programs work just as well as home design programs for Windows operating systems. The same tools and utilities are there and the functions are similar. In fact, many developers create programs that work on both operating systems.

What type of software do I need?

Home and interior design programs are all encompassing and typically used to creating new homes from the bottom up. However, if you have an existing home you want to update, either inside or outside, there are programs that are less cumbersome and have just the tools you need for a fraction of the cost of full Mac home design suites.

Interior design software focuses on the decorative aspects of your home. You can use it to simply change the curtains and rearrange the furniture or for a project as extreme as knocking out a wall and creating a more open floor plan.

If your only focus is updating your home kitchen, there are specific program dedicated to this type of project. Kitchen design software has advanced tools for creating custom cabinets and plumbing lines.

Why Trust Us?

We spent more than 160 hours using 12 home design programs to help you decide which is the best for you. We designed dozens of homes and hundreds of rooms. We carefully combed through all tools, and every program was subjected to a series of tests to measure utility, versatility, ease and user experience. Personal experience was also calculated into the scores. We took meticulous notes during our testing phase recording likes and dislikes. These were all weighed in reaching a final verdict for each product.

Every Mac home designer application we reviewed was either provided by the manufacturer or bought outright. Furthermore, the manufacturers were not provided with our testing methodologies, nor had any influence in our evaluations.

We also reached out to professional designers and asked their opinions about casual users designing plans. Trevor Broughton, lead designer of Mountain West Architecture, expressed some concerns about DIYers' abilities to make workable plans. “My biggest concern with anything brought to me is it scalable and accurate,” Broughton said, but he added that the products we reviewed can help.

“Consumer grade software could allow someone to really grasp how much space is absorbed by each architectural element,” Broughton said, while still cautioning that users need to understand how plans come together before trying to bring them into the real world. “From a bathroom to a stairwell, people struggle to understand the square footage required to make these elements function properly in any given plan,” Broughton said.

What to Look For

Home and interior design software has three main functions that we looked at closely during our review: construction design, interior decorating and landscape planning. Here is what we found helpful while using these programs.

Home and floor plan design

One of the main reasons to use a home design program is to create 2D floor plans that can easily be converted into blueprints. These plans include marks for windows and doors as well as separate levels with their own measurements.

Photo import features are really useful because they allow you to open one or more pictures of a home you like and save them to use as inspiration while constructing your own plans. These can be images you find online or pictures you snap with your camera when you see a home you like.

You can also use this feature to upload floor plans or copies of your current home’s blueprints. Programs like Live Home 3D include a tracer tool you can use to copy the images’ lines while the software automatically creates both a 2D image, or blueprint, and a 3D image to help you visualize how the two concepts mesh together. If you open a blueprint of your home in the program, the trace feature can help you attach a room addition that scales nicely to your existing home.

A cost estimator is another valuable tool. As you design your home, it provides you with a list of materials and the average cost of each, along with an estimation of the total project cost so you have an idea of what kind of funding you need to secure. Not all the programs in our review have this feature, but Punch Home Studio Design is one that does.

Other features we looked at closely while testing Mac home design software are roof wizards and electrical- and plumbing-planning tools. Most of the programs we tested included some variation of these tools, though some included extra feature that gave them an advantage over the rest.

For example, all the program we reviewed, except for Interiors Pro, have tools to place a roof over your home. However, most of the apps create a standard-looking gable roof over the entire structure. You must then use a cutaway tool to remove sections of the roof that overhang too much because of odd extensions, such as a garage, that aren’t exactly square with the rest of the house. Additional steps are required for more elaborate roof designs or to fuse several roofs over different home sections. Live Home 3D has a smart perimeter tool that instinctively knows if your home design has several different sections and places a perfect roof over your home so you don’t have to take extra steps to make it look perfect.

Electrical and plumbing planning tools also vary by program. Each interior Mac program we reviewed includes fixtures such as outlets, bathtubs, hanging lights and faucets. While this is helpful, especially when designing your home’s decor, more advanced tools let you indicate exactly where to place pipes or run electrical wires. If you are only using design software for interior decor updates, these advanced planning tools are not necessary. However, they are important if you need to make changes to a room, such as a bathroom or kitchen, where it may be necessary to move pipes and electrical wiring.

Interior and room design

Some interior design tools are used for structural changes – for example, when you want to open a room by knocking out a wall or to add or update stairs. However, most are fun tools that allow you to add custom-designed kitchen cabinets, textured walls or tiled hallways.

The object library houses 3D furniture and décor items you can set up to visualize what your new rooms will look like decorated in the latest craftsman, vintage or sleek stylings before you head out to the store. We really liked the object-placement and editing tools in MyFourWalls. They were the easiest to use and the most intuitive. With this software, you don’t have to highlight an object and then choose a resizing or rotating tool from the dashboard. Instead, you can grab the object, edit and rotate it freely in one step.

Each app comes with a set number of objects in its library, but you can add additional programs to increase it to an unlimited number of items. Most of these objects are found through Google’s SketchUp and the Trimble 3D Warehouse programs. In these third-party databases, you simply download and save an object file to your desktop, then import it using the home design software’s import feature. We note which home design software accepts objects from which database. Most only work with images from one or the other, though Home Designer Architectural is compatible with both.

Landscape and garden design

Landscape tools help you design the gardens and lawn surrounding your home. Look for a program that has a plant encyclopedia. This tool lists plants that thrive in your specific growing area to ensure you have a beautiful, healthy yard all year long. It is important to note that while each of the programs we reviewed has some plant objects available, not all of them are outdoor plants. You can always increase the plant object library by uploading additional items from various third-party object databases and creating an outdoor plant list.

Price of landscaping software

The best home and interior design software for Mac can cost as much as $200. And if you’re going to use the application regularly, we recommend getting the best product you can afford. However, if you’re planning on tooling around with a design from time-to-time or simply want to see what your dream home may look like, you don’t have to go with the top-of-the-line software. The cheapest program we reviewed, MyFourWalls, costs less than $30 and has a surprisingly large feature set for the price. If your ambitions are small, it may fit your needs.

We found that it took a long time to download the Mac design programs we tested because they contain thousands of objects and components. Some programs took only a couple of hours, while others took five or more. Once installed, though, there weren’t any issues with lag or function during testing.

Saving and sharing your designs

As you look at floor plan software for your Mac computer, you should try to find one that is easy to use but also renders your designs in a format you can share with professionals. Architects and contractors typically use professional Computer Aided Design (CAD) programs that create official blueprints. These blueprints are used to secure permits and licenses and also serve as the official instructions for building your dream home. The best 3D floor plan software for Mac computers lets you have fun creating designs and shows a good visual representation of what your dream home will look like as well as creates a 2D design that includes measurements for contractors to refer to.

Something to be aware of when choosing a program is the file types the finished designs can be saved as, especially if you intend to export and share your ideas with an architect, general contractor or interior decorator. Professional software is compatible with only a few types of files, and even then, it depends on the program. If you know the format your builder uses, you can look at our comparison chart to ensure the program you purchase creates a compatible file. Typically, CAD software accept DXF and DWG file formats.

Our final thoughts

Don’t let your lack of interior design experience keep you from undertaking a remodeling project. Even with minimal experience, you can plan kitchen renovations, bathroom makeovers, bedroom refreshes and color-scheme changes throughout your home using one of the packages we reviewed. You can even design landscapes, potentially changing the look and feel of your outdoor space and the exterior of your house. Using one of these programs, you can turn your digital designs into reality.

Contributing Reviewers: Renee Shipley, Noel Case, Linda Thompson, Danny Chadwick

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Program For Turning Photos Into Time Lapse Video For Mac

Convert Video to Image Sequence

Some phones also allow you to shoot time-lapse video, but we recommend you to use a good camera and video editing software to make better time lapse videos. If you are looking for a time lapse video maker, we recommend Filmora video editor, which is easy to use on both Windows PC and Mac. In this video tutorial, CineForm's David Newman shows you how to use the free GoPro CineForm Studio 1.1 to convert and edit a 4×3 photo sequence into 16×9 time lapse footage. The free software, which comes from GoPro's newly acquired and well-known CineForm division, lets you import H.264. Time-lapse Assembler (Mac) This is a simple freeware that allows you to merge your Time-lapse photo into video as well. These two are probably the simplest and easiest software we’ve tried. Assembling Time-lapse photos is also possible with Mac’s iMovie.

Adapter makes converting between formats easy. You can export an entire video (or a trimmed section) to individaul image frames. Creating image sequences is as easy as choosing your desired output framerate your favorite image format (jpegs, pngs, gifs, or any other image format). You can even convert the reverse direction and turn your images back into video.

Add Subtitles, Watermarks, Audio and Text Overlays

With the layers control features in Adapter, you can easily add or burn subtitles (.srt), watermarks, image overlays and audio directly into mp4 or other videos. Use the output preview to help position the items.

Export MP3 and More from Videos

Not only does Adapter lets you turn a video into any other video formats, but you can also turn a video into audio or image formats. For example, you can export the audio track of a video to an MP3. Or create an animated GIF and post it online.

Create Video Timelapse Animations

If you’re looking to convert a lengthy video into a shorter time lapse video, Adapter’s the app for the job. Simply drop any source video into Adapter, then increase the playback speed and drop the output frame rate. Boom! Instant time lapse video! You can also create a timelapse video from still images.

When dealing with video, time lapse sequences offer an easy way to transition between scenes or creatively show the passing of time to your viewing audience. This could be the act of watching short timeframes, such as cooking, or extended timeframes, such as plant growth or sunset. The creative opportunities are limitless. It's all about proper execution. There are several ways to create time lapse videos, such as setting up a video camera and recording for an extended amount of time, but I'd like to show you how to do time lapse video with still images captured on your camera.

What's Hot at TechRepublic

How To Make Time Lapse Video Windows

What will you need?

  • Camera
  • Tripod
  • An automatic camera option or trigger
  • Video editing software

There are a few items you must have on hand to capture your time lapse footage. Of course you need a camera, but you need your camera to be steady. The best option is to use a sturdy tripod. Next, you'll need the ability to capture images autonomously and within set intervals. Some cameras have this feature built into their menus. For those that do not, you'll need an intervalometer.


An intervalometer is a camera attachment that allows your shutter to fire based on specified shutter speed, times per minute, and total count of shots captured. For example, you can set up an intervalometer to snap photos at 1/100 of a second every 10 seconds for 400 total shots. After the 400 shots are captured, the intervalometer stops. There are several intervalometer options out there, including wired ones, such as this one from Neewer, and this nifty Bluetooth wireless one from Alpine Labs. Finally, you'll need video editing software that will allow you to import images. This could be free software such as Windows Movie Maker or a more robust editor such as Adobe Premiere Pro.

SEE: How to shoot and edit raw iPhone photos

How does this work?

In video, one second of footage is anywhere between 24 and 30 frames (images) per second in most cases. Sure, today's cameras shoot in much higher frame rates, such as 120 frames per second (fps), but for the sake of simplicity, we'll use 30fps. Since you're using your snapshots as footage to build your time lapse, you'll have to think in terms of frames per second and the total duration of your video. If you're trying to create a 10-second time lapse video, you'll need 300 images captured. Why? Each second of your 10-second video consists of 30 snapshots or exposures.

Now that the math is out of the way, let's discuss the composition. If you want your composition to show extended amounts within a short duration, you'll increase your time between shots. For example, if you watch the clouds pass over the sky as you sit outside, they will look as if they're barely moving, if at all. But if you look up at the sky every 20 seconds, you'll notice the clouds' position has changed more drastically. This is how it works for your camera, as well. Tell your camera to adjust how many times it should take a photo of the clouds to build each frame of your video. For me, I suggest shooting every five to seven seconds for about 330 to 400 total shots taken. This will give you a video that's at least 10 seconds in duration but still show a smooth movement of the clouds above.

The technical part

After you've found a location to capture your time lapse, securely set up your camera on a tripod. If you don't own a tripod, a flat surface where your camera will not move during the shoot is OK. Frame up the shot you want. While you're framing, TURN OFF the autofocus and auto white balance options of your camera. This is helpful because lighting can change over time and moving objects in your scene could trigger a different focal point.

Next, set your shutter speed and interval in your intervalometer or automatic firing options. In my example, I set my camera on a friend's screened-in deck to view the clouds on a windy day. I used an Alpine Labs Pulse bluetooth remote for controlling my shot intervals: one shot taken every four seconds, stopping at a total of 330 shots.

Once you've gotten your images captured, you can start creating the time lapse video sequence. To do so, import your collection of photographs into the video editor of your choice. For me, it's Adobe Premiere Pro. Your import dialog will open a file explorer, allowing you to navigate to the stored images. Single-click on the first image in your directory and look for the option to designate the file as an image sequence. Click open to start the import.

Note 1: If your image files aren't named sequentially, this import process will fail to import all shots captured as a video sequence. Only one sequentially named set of files will be imported.

Note 2: Some video editors do not support RAW images. Refer to your video editor documentation for supported image files information.

Once the files are imported, you'll be able to view them as one video sequence in your video editor.

Drag your video sequence into your editor's timeline for more editing, such as speed ramping, color grading, and adding a soundtrack.

When you're done sprucing up your video, export it and share it with the world! Here's the final version of my time lapse video.


So that's it. That's how you create time lapse video using still images. Sure you could set up your camera to record video for a few minutes and increase the playback speed in a video editor, but you'll be limited in performance. By recording video, you're allowed to record only as much time as the SD card or camera specs will allow. In some cases, that's only a few minutes' worth of footage. By shooting still images, you can cover a much wider timeframe and use less memory on your SD card.

Your video

Once you have your time lapse video completed, share it with me online. Just tag me on Twitter or Instagram with your beautiful footage. Then share your comments and advice with fellow TechRepublic members in the discussion below.

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Photos Into Time Lapse In Imovie 10

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Stick Figure Animation Program For Mac

  • Free Animation Software for Mac Download The free alternatives do an excellent job when it comes to meet your requirements for the animation projects that you want to work for. You can create some excellent animation using different tools they offer.
  • Stykz is a multi-platform animation program that lets you bring simple stick figure drawings to life. Figure editing is based on a frame system: you draw each frame, one by one, in order to generate an animation.
  1. Stick Figure Animation Online Free
  2. Stick Figure Animation Program Free

Animation is a breakthrough in the information sharing industry. Pivot animation is also famous by the name stick figure animation in colloquial language. The stick animation is a representation of animation using basic structures like sticks and round figures. The concept is taken from the stick figures, which are drawn by kids in textbooks. Hence, stick figure animation is very easy. Being a very easy and basic animation technique, there are many tools available in the software market. The article deals with the best freeware for stick animation.

Stick Figure Animator And for a great deal of fun, try Pivot Stickfigure Animator, a simple stick figure animation program for you to create an animated GIF by moving sections of the standard stick figure.

Stick Figure Animation Online Free


1. Stykz

Stykz is one of the most used tools for stick figure animations.

  • The software has the finest user interface.
  • Allows sticks figures of various colors and sizes.
  • The user can change the movement of the stick figures according to the frames.
  • The user can export animated stick figures in various picture formats.

2. Pivot


Pivot is a small size software but has all the important features of a good stick figure animation software.

  • The size of the software is 75 KB.
  • Animation can be exported in various video modes and image modes.
  • User can change colors, attributes and figure shapes of stick animation.
  • The user can even deal with 3-D aspects of the stick figures.

3. Sickman Animation

Stickman is web-based tool for stickman animation and has a rich user interface.

Stick Figure Animation Program Free

  • There are various creating tools options like dot, stick, circle etc.
  • The user can work in various frames.
  • Very user friendly interface with interactive.
  • It is a very light weight software with size less than 600 KB.

4. StickPy

StickPy is a very professional tool for stick figure animation.

  • It is a very powerful with rich in features.
  • The program in written in Python and hence is secured and strong.
  • The interface has many professional features so non-professional user might get confused.
  • The animation methods are different from other tools for the pro use.

5. Stickman & Elemento

A unique application for creating custom made animatons.

  • User can create custom made animations and combine multiple animations together.
  • Good for beginners as it has a user friendly interface for easy learning.
  • User can import images in the stick figure animation.
  • The user can even deal with 3-D aspects of the stick figures.

6. Stickman & Elemento

7. blender

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Time Tracking Program For Mac

  1. Project Time Tracking Program

Free Mac time tracking app. It’s the only time tracking program that’s truly free, no matter how many projects you have or how big your team is. Clockify is primarily a browser app, but you can also install it on your Mac OS X as a native desktop app to make time tracking more convenient. 8 Excellent Time Tracking Utilities for Mac Ruben Santiago on July 30th 2009. Billings, time, tracking; Check out the best Business Apps on GetApp. Time management is a constant battle for most people in their day-to-day lives. It is a vital part of any workflow, even more so those in which billing is dependent on time worked.

There are a handful of decent time tracking applications for the Mac. While none of them are perfect, our favorite is Klok thanks to its straightforward time tracking and entry, flexibility, and easily-understood interface.


Platform: Mac OS X (and Windows)
Price: Free ($16 for Pro Version)
Download Page


  • Track any project, billable or otherwise
  • Drag and drop time entry
  • Provides a simple dashboard overview of how you've used your time
  • Define multiple projects
  • Automatic updates
  • Can export time sheets to Microsoft Excel

Additional features in the pro version:

  • More information in the dashboard
  • Import data from Microsoft Exchange, Google Calendar, and more
  • Export time sheets to CSV, HTML, and Google Docs
  • Automated backups
  • Additional skins/themes

Where It Excels

What's great about Klok is that you can start using it in about a minute. You just define a project in the project section, provide a little information about the project (if you want—you can add it later, too), and start tracking your time. You can add projects as needed and track them as well. Klok will display them all in a nice calendar view. You can then export your time sheets to Microsoft Excel if you want, or just reference the information in Klok to put together an invoice in whatever application you choose.


Where It Falls Short

Klok was written in Adobe Air, so if you prefer an app that feels native to OS X you may struggle a bit with its interface. It can take some getting used to if you fall into that camp, but it's mainly an issue of not using the menu bar. What's most annoying about Klok is how the free version hides little hints to upgrade. Every feature of the pro version is available to click in the interface, but when you do actually click on any of those features you'll be reminded that you need to upgrade to the pro version. You're getting a good time tracking app for free, so it's a reasonable trade-off, but it could be dialed back a bit. Klok's settings also get fairly complicated. The good news is that you can do basic time tracking without ever getting into the details, but Klok can get pretty detailed and it can be a little overwhelming.



The Competition

Time Edition (Free) is the way to go if you're looking for simple and free. Even though it's a tiny little app, it can track your projects with a lot of helpful detail. It's designed to track projects for billing purposes, but like any time tracking app you could use it for other projects as well.


RescueTime (Free and Paid) will track everything you do on your computer and analyze it so you can reclaim wasted time. It's not meant for billing clients but becoming more productive, and it's really smart. Whitson wrote a guide on using RescueTime so check that out for additional details. It's free to use but you can pay yearly fees for additional features.

Project Time Tracking Program

Time Track (Free or Pro) tracks your application usage. The pro version will track documents as well. It's a lot like a simplified version of RescueTime, but runs solely on your Mac's desktop and provides limited statistics. If you just want an overview of how long you use specific applications, it's worth a look.


Freshbooks Time Tracker (Free) is a widget you can install for OS X's Dashboard that will simply track the time you spend on a specific project and send it to the Freshbooks invoicing service. Harvest and other invoicing services generally provide time tracking widgets and apps as well for your time tracking needs. If you use one of those services already, be sure to check out their add-ons page for handy ways to track your time.

Lifehacker's App Directory is a new and growing directory of recommendations for the best applications and tools in a number of given categories.


Hi, at the moment in our office we have an antiquated system of filling out Excel timesheet documents, printing them off and then having the administrator plug the figures into another Excel document for reports.
Ideally we'd like some kind of web-browser-based time tracking system (local network only) that allows people to fill in their times (on a project basis) and have it automatically produce up to the minute reports.
I've had a look around but really can't find anything that fits the bill. Does anyone know of anything like this that's compatible with a fully Mac OS X environment?

Mac OS X (10.4.5)

Posted on

R Program For Mac

The simple reality of tax preparation software is this: You want to get the greatest possible refund with the least chance of an audit, all without requiring you to be a tax genius. In the not-so-distant past, the only option I considered for preparing my taxes was paying $250 to sit at a tax prep office while someone went through my numbers. But then I found out that the professionals I paid used software similar to what I could buy for my Mac. While some tax preparation may still require you to use a tax professional, these days, professional quality tax preparation is just a few dollars and a download away. While H&R Block Premium has gotten better at hiding the details behind your return, some aspects of the app can still be overwhelming. While there are a number of online options for preparing taxes, if you prefer to use software installed on your Mac instead of a Web-based app, then there are really only two contenders for your tax prep dollars: and Intuit’s. Both of these apps come in several different flavors designed to meet your specific tax filing requirements, but for the purposes of this review we looked at the top level tax prep applications, and, as they both include everything you need to file your personal taxes, even if your filing needs are somewhat complicated. Best security program for mac.

Click on the ‘Download R for (Mac) OS X’ link. Choose the correct package for your operating system. R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It compiles and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms, Windows and MacOS. To download R. Installing R / R Commander Package for Mac System This document describes 1) how to install R software, 2) how to install R Commander, and 3) how to fix R Commander problems by downloading and installing XQuartz software.

R For Mac Os

R Program For Mac

If accuracy is important—when it comes to taxes, you better bet that it is—then there’s not much to worry about with either of these two applications. After entering a basic set of numbers, including W-2 income, college tuition expenses, interest and dividend income, mortgage interest, and a variety of other bits of income and expense information, H&R Block Premium and TurboTax came back with numbers that were exactly the same for my state return and within a dollar of each other for my federal return. From my perspective, simplicity is the key to tax prep software. What simplifies the tax filing process is a subjective assessment, but for me simplicity means the application dispenses a minimum of tax jargon while walking you through the process of entering income and expense information, and eliminates confusion as to whether you’ve included all the forms you need and provided all the information necessary to avoid an audit and still get the best possible refund. In short, the best tax app should instill confidence by giving you a sense that everything you’ve done is complete and correct. A new feature in TurboTax now explains why the information you've entered has changed something on your return.


While H&R Block has a much improved interview process, TurboTax is, hands down, the better of the two applications when it comes to instilling this kind of confidence. Both applications use a step-by-step process to guide you, but the H&R Block application tends to use pages filled with checkboxes to determine which questions you’ll be asked and those you won’t. TurboTax’s interview process asks questions one at a time and then, depending on how you answer, walks you through specific tax questions based upon your answers.

While the end result was the same, I found that TurboTax’s question and answer format left me less worried that I’d left something undone. While the H&R Block interview process was not as clear, the H&R Block application offers stellar, free, live, online access to tax professionals who can walk you through sticky points of your tax return. (They also offer live tech support as well.) These services are very simple to use and allow you to ask specific questions about your tax situation and get almost immediate answers.

TurboTax offers a context-sensitive help system that determines where you are in the interview process and tailors answers you see to the area you’re working in. You also have access to the TurboTax community, but this seemed to be more of an online forum consisting of TurboTax users. H&R Block’s online assistance came from tax professionals and was detailed and personal.

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Point Cloud Program For Mac

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  1. Point Cloud Examples
Point Cloud Program For Mac

Point Cloud Examples

More on Point Cloud For Surfcam Data Added 1: October 07, 2008 Point Cloud for AutoCAD is a plug-in for AutoCAD 2000, 2000i, 2002 and 2004. This plug-in gives AutoCAD to ability to process point clouds. You can import a point cloud into AutoCAD as it is or fit a surface that passes through the points to recreate the original object. This is ideal for reverse engineering and GIS applications. There are different ways of fitting a surface depending on the nature of the point cloud. Point Cloud for AutoCAD also has the ability to compensate for probe. Size: 799.0 KB License: Shareware Price: $250 Data Added 1: October 07, 2008 Point Cloud for Rhino is a plug-in for Rhino 2.0 and 3.0.

Land Surveying Solution Looking for an automatic point cloud classification and feature extraction solution for airborne LiDAR/mobile LiDAR/aerial photography? Cloud application to store, process and share large 3D point clouds entirely online using only a standard web browser. Provides a growing number of measurement and annotation tools as well as various point cloud visualization techniques.

This plug-in gives Rhino the ability to process point clouds. You can import a point cloud into Rhino as it is or fit a surface that passes through the points to recreate the original object. This is ideal for reverse engineering and GIS applications. There are different ways of fitting a surface depending on the nature of the point cloud. Point Cloud for Rhino also has the ability to compensate for probe diameter.

There is an inherent. Size: 901.0 KB License: Shareware Price: $250 Data Added 1: October 07, 2008 Point Cloud is a reverse engineering software to process point clouds. Point Cloud can reconstruct a triangular mesh over a cloud of points or drape a surface over the points.A point cloud can be created by scanning the surface of an object (surface scan) or by scanning the entire solid (solid scan).

Point Cloud understands this difference and processes points differently in each case. Point Cloud also has the ability to compensate for probe diameter. There is an inherent error with probe. Size: 799.0 KB License: Shareware Price: $250 Data Added 1: October 07, 2008 STL Import for Surfcam is a STL file import plug-in for Surfcam.